June 19, 2010


its actually 21st june, 2010. and now im blogging just in case i wudn't have time on my weekday birthday. haa.. haa...

it was in form 4 when i first met gigi leung thru voice. then, she composed a song named 25, in conjunction with her 25th b'day. 9 years later, my liking for her is still the same. just that, i turned 25. (new songs on air)

25 shud be a moment to remember. i guess its bcoz of the number? that probably states u're an adult of course, even if your inner ego is still a child. being 25 is okay. just maybe getting to 25 is a process i'm yet to forget. its been one road..

im obliged to write memories given they're soon to be gone. i guess.. it all started as being a naive introvert in form 4. thats when i start to get the first of everything. let me write it down..

as an adolescent, i probably spend most of the time reading & listening to gigi's. i passed Gce O' levels greatly and me and my bunch of classmates guess made our first trip to tutong. i remember we stayed over at empire country club for a great end of year. just after the fireworks, i was straight off to college and met my first love. it was happy, sad, tough.. haha.. but there i also met ys.

the 1st year of uni in ubd was hard. well.. maybe i wasn't used to being independent emotionally. my sis won her car and let me drove it to ubd. it was strange feeling meeting my colleagues (long till now) coz i din know them well. my attachment to lizzy & the incredibles (pixar) probably saved me but then had its own complications. i can't ever forget the trips us buddies thomas, ys and thomas we made around brunei- sunrise at beaches, the mall & the long heart-confiding talks. there, i met my ever best friends.

mom supported me a lot by planning holiday trips. to thailand, hk and japan. hk was probably the most fantasised as my 1st timer, given its food and the awesome disneyland. i then went abroad to brisbane after 1.5 years. lol.. it probably changed my life a bit.

i remembered stepping my first foot on the soil of aussie & it was winter. during my stay, i cud just remember the most imminent crow caws frm above, whilst i made my way thru the serene courtyards of UQ to the library on weekends. i enjoyed my church gatherings & soul-searching.. with lots of self-doubt. here, i also met my first hardship with forgiveness.

at this point probably, my blog was at its liveliest. i cud remember spending whole-heartedly jamming.. well.. almost all emo-content (typical adolescent) & still getting great no. of comments for query reason? as being away frm home, i received my 1st gift at the post during easter with eggs and 1st litre of tears dvd wch changed me ard. my attachment with shee mei was a revolution.

i made numerous phone calls back home. studies were predominantly okay. and i graduated. i'd never tght the 3 hrs 2 days in sizzler diners and a cny feast wud end up as this. despite the tears, despite the closeness.. we moved on. here on, i was absolute downhill with my social modalities. lol.. i was studying.

now, its a phrase wch states 'so close, yet so far yet uncertain'. haa.. what life. guess only what remains is my four-year ipod and phone, my old companies being thru this far. and cheer chen's occult music plus voice. suiting my soul. aurelius is one great company nw and then in brisbane. damit has been the reason as my life learner.

if possible i wanna leave brisbane asap. haha.. jk. i will indeed miss here like mad if i go back, given its my lifeline. & i haven't gone to interstates yet! -_-''' bris has its nice places, will do enjoy here a while once i graduate.

okay, let me leave. 25 be it big deal or not. still..

live on- ;)

(forever naruto)

- swait zin

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