i had toohey's while to accompany my night's dinner.. when i looked myself in the mirror, i didn't know i flushed so well. it was just a small bottle. acetaldehyde dehydrogenase's not working pretty well.. haha.
came across a real beauty classic sung in a beauty env. i'd really want to listen this song with my loved one for once.. predictably in the future duh~.. i trust you'll listen this song numerous times.. trust me ;) it's such a comfort.
p.s. see BoA's finishing.. she's just naturally cute :)
February 18, 2008
February 16, 2008
just some minute things
haf u ever wondered in living thru a day, the things you might bring urself on? when u're bored or perhaps when u've tt nick of time when u felt like its free.. wt wud you do?
small things.. when im living thru a day, i'd normally get myself a bite of apple. the feeling of holding an apple as you get out of ur home, and walking ur way crunching the juicy meat is actually real good. its fresh. its like taking a spa session. hah..
further when i've tt nick of time, i'd go up slope to the council library to surf the net. the library also has a few comics to go by. as the cinema is just next to it, i'd sweep thru a list of movies tt might be interesting.. & actually anticipating tt im going to watch. so even if i didn't, the feeling itself is good enuf to suffice i've got a backup plan. :)
another one- walking ard/reminiscing
seems to be my life. i'd choose southbank more often. as i walk along, reminiscing 'independence' which is actually good, the feeling is as such.. there's just space to breathe & time to reflect upon things & oneself. making it all worthwhile to be true.
along the way, i'd be bring up tghts on issues. wch wt' i'll often do is resolve on my part first. to bring my heart or mind to a close, and go ard the problem in the positives. with tt, it makes living life more worthwhile as u go abt putting things in a reasonable manner.
i tght for most times, studying/working primarily occupies a major part of life. tt is y when i sit down and just look into books, i feel enuf to enjoy learning things & making use of my time well.. least for my part (im doing this for the society!)
i just feel thankful we're able to study to spend time, if not life wud be such boredom. another thing is sleep. this one is life too. do you ever realise u're moody only when u're tired? so to save urself zzz...
yea just some small minute things.. hope u guys don't fall asleep with my ramblings. time to go~
- keith
haf u ever wondered in living thru a day, the things you might bring urself on? when u're bored or perhaps when u've tt nick of time when u felt like its free.. wt wud you do?
small things.. when im living thru a day, i'd normally get myself a bite of apple. the feeling of holding an apple as you get out of ur home, and walking ur way crunching the juicy meat is actually real good. its fresh. its like taking a spa session. hah..
further when i've tt nick of time, i'd go up slope to the council library to surf the net. the library also has a few comics to go by. as the cinema is just next to it, i'd sweep thru a list of movies tt might be interesting.. & actually anticipating tt im going to watch. so even if i didn't, the feeling itself is good enuf to suffice i've got a backup plan. :)
another one- walking ard/reminiscing
seems to be my life. i'd choose southbank more often. as i walk along, reminiscing 'independence' which is actually good, the feeling is as such.. there's just space to breathe & time to reflect upon things & oneself. making it all worthwhile to be true.
along the way, i'd be bring up tghts on issues. wch wt' i'll often do is resolve on my part first. to bring my heart or mind to a close, and go ard the problem in the positives. with tt, it makes living life more worthwhile as u go abt putting things in a reasonable manner.
i tght for most times, studying/working primarily occupies a major part of life. tt is y when i sit down and just look into books, i feel enuf to enjoy learning things & making use of my time well.. least for my part (im doing this for the society!)
i just feel thankful we're able to study to spend time, if not life wud be such boredom. another thing is sleep. this one is life too. do you ever realise u're moody only when u're tired? so to save urself zzz...
yea just some small minute things.. hope u guys don't fall asleep with my ramblings. time to go~
- keith
小步舞曲 (A Little Step/Minuet)
tian kong tu ran xia qi qing pen da yu
lian ren zai wu yan xia xiang wei xiang yi
yi dong wo de jiao bu qing song duo yu
ren chao yong ji wo zhu shi re de shou xin
zai ye bu yao xiang qi bu kuai le de xuan lu
hu xi zhe yi miao de kong qi
hai you duo shao hui yi cang zhe duo shao mi mi
zai wo xin li fan lai fu qu shen me jiao zuo ai qing
hai you duo shao hui yi cang zhe duo shao mi mi
zai ni xin li wo ye xu zhi shi ni xin shang de feng jing
ye wan jing jing deng zhe dian hua xiang qi
shi jian tang zai ta qu nian ji lai de xin
kong dang de fang jian wo bo fang zhe wu qu
xuan zhuan zhe yi miao de gu ji
hai you duo shao hui yi cang zhe duo shao mi mi
zai ni xin li wo ye xu shi ni qing kuai de you xi
hai you duo shao hui yi cang zhe duo shao mi mi
zai ni xin li wo ye xu zhi shi ni huan man de lian xi
yin yue xiang qi wo yi ge ren yan chu chong fu de wu qu
- keith
tian kong tu ran xia qi qing pen da yu
lian ren zai wu yan xia xiang wei xiang yi
yi dong wo de jiao bu qing song duo yu
ren chao yong ji wo zhu shi re de shou xin
zai ye bu yao xiang qi bu kuai le de xuan lu
hu xi zhe yi miao de kong qi
hai you duo shao hui yi cang zhe duo shao mi mi
zai wo xin li fan lai fu qu shen me jiao zuo ai qing
hai you duo shao hui yi cang zhe duo shao mi mi
zai ni xin li wo ye xu zhi shi ni xin shang de feng jing
ye wan jing jing deng zhe dian hua xiang qi
shi jian tang zai ta qu nian ji lai de xin
kong dang de fang jian wo bo fang zhe wu qu
xuan zhuan zhe yi miao de gu ji
hai you duo shao hui yi cang zhe duo shao mi mi
zai ni xin li wo ye xu shi ni qing kuai de you xi
hai you duo shao hui yi cang zhe duo shao mi mi
zai ni xin li wo ye xu zhi shi ni huan man de lian xi
yin yue xiang qi wo yi ge ren yan chu chong fu de wu qu
- keith
February 14, 2008
so its 14.2. whilst everyone seems to be luxuriating the notion tt 'love is in the air', i spent my day seeking solace on my own which was preferably chosen- sunset by the bank. the scene has been utterly indescribable, as always whenever i seek nature for the best view, calm mind and soul~
its 4 weeks into the term- a month. i tght to myself- another 28 weeks.. as i was strolling away, i tried not to feel too deeply. with the sunset, sentimental tunes & aura of the day itself, i could also feel.. its in the air. i observed.. fashion here seems to be.. women holding bouquets.. sweet~ i tried to get back to self.. its okay to feel a bit but im here to relax.
its 4 weeks into the term- a month. i tght to myself- another 28 weeks.. as i was strolling away, i tried not to feel too deeply. with the sunset, sentimental tunes & aura of the day itself, i could also feel.. its in the air. i observed.. fashion here seems to be.. women holding bouquets.. sweet~ i tried to get back to self.. its okay to feel a bit but im here to relax.
2nd year is max theoretical. so its not easy given tt i already felt it.. but its good as such u get to be all-rounded, well-equipped b4 going on to real clinical setting. i just want a real good scenery for treat after all tse.. one of the most serene ones i've seen is this one visited by gigi recently. i want to go to this place.. 

she's adorable huh, im glad she's enjoying it all she can. as for tt, being single has its good side im sure. not tt u'd jeez everytime when 14th feb comes if u're single. u still can enjoy & feel good all the while being you. i reminded myself the age of 22 is full of youth.. they say is the brightest of the years. so its really wise to make full use of it both in a useful & sub-useful sense :)
like hw some things tt can give a smile.. cheer has alwez been special to everyone.. her voice is angelic.. songs are mystique.. listening to them makes you fanta. just one of those ones tt can rock you!
cheer's summer concert in sg
cheer's summer concert in sg
next thing wch gives a smile for the day.
when i looked back and saw this. a bit of smile when i knw how lame she can be and it has already been a year. still no change.. still pondering upon losses.. my eng stdt.

when i looked back and saw this. a bit of smile when i knw how lame she can be and it has already been a year. still no change.. still pondering upon losses.. my eng stdt.

just wna take this opportunity to thank my parents for their care all the years. shud i live well for another 3-4 years, its count on them. then i'll go back. lastly, happy valentine's day to you shee mei. even as ur blog add is not in place, i've alwez remembered it in my mind.. tk my fren. i'll make sure i won't disappoint you with my life here.
- keith
February 13, 2008
14th feb, 09
an update.
life has been pretty busy i guess, for this med rotation. most time is taken up in the wards. i remember just yest, i spent the whole 18 hrs up from 8 in the morn till the late hours of 11.30pm for admissions. got back home at 1am & had to be in hospital the next 4 hrs.
ironically, i did not feel tired. the whole interest is driving me on. i had to take care of a pt who had seizures & multiple psychosocial comorbidities. i also got to witness a spinal tap procedure done by my med reg. being in royal brisbane really gave lots of hands on experience clinically, esp in preparing for the exams. of coz this is not w.o. self doubt on my career.
whenever i feel tired, i always relayed myself back to the fact.. its not just me who's going thru this. evryone in this world going thru different paths also face challenges. similar they had to wake up early in the mornings, get to their workplace, often get out of their comfort zones to fight thru competitions. im also reminded hw blessed i am to be put in this career, be able to make use of life to work & help ppl.
starting my ipod also gave me soothness.. the drive.. viz the voice & melody of an idol. gigi leung is a perfect e.g. of a person of growing age indulging in life's fullness. she's always kept to her values, work thru & has been persistent in her field. tgh she is turning 33, she's an inspiration & role model to me. im always reminded of hw hardworking & positive she is.
this feb she has a new film "愛得起" release date- 14th feb & upcoming new album after 2 years. i've waited so looongg.. so loong.. -_- haha..
as i go thru time, i become more bland. my feelings are subtle. i'm more independent nw. i feel.. life is nw a more personal thing. i'm keeping to my values & i knw one day, i'll see thru it. present '愛得起'.
- keith
an update.
life has been pretty busy i guess, for this med rotation. most time is taken up in the wards. i remember just yest, i spent the whole 18 hrs up from 8 in the morn till the late hours of 11.30pm for admissions. got back home at 1am & had to be in hospital the next 4 hrs.
ironically, i did not feel tired. the whole interest is driving me on. i had to take care of a pt who had seizures & multiple psychosocial comorbidities. i also got to witness a spinal tap procedure done by my med reg. being in royal brisbane really gave lots of hands on experience clinically, esp in preparing for the exams. of coz this is not w.o. self doubt on my career.
whenever i feel tired, i always relayed myself back to the fact.. its not just me who's going thru this. evryone in this world going thru different paths also face challenges. similar they had to wake up early in the mornings, get to their workplace, often get out of their comfort zones to fight thru competitions. im also reminded hw blessed i am to be put in this career, be able to make use of life to work & help ppl.
starting my ipod also gave me soothness.. the drive.. viz the voice & melody of an idol. gigi leung is a perfect e.g. of a person of growing age indulging in life's fullness. she's always kept to her values, work thru & has been persistent in her field. tgh she is turning 33, she's an inspiration & role model to me. im always reminded of hw hardworking & positive she is.
this feb she has a new film "愛得起" release date- 14th feb & upcoming new album after 2 years. i've waited so looongg.. so loong.. -_- haha..
as i go thru time, i become more bland. my feelings are subtle. i'm more independent nw. i feel.. life is nw a more personal thing. i'm keeping to my values & i knw one day, i'll see thru it. present '愛得起'.
- keith
February 7, 2008
you guys must be wondering how i celebrated chinese new year's eve~
so here it goes..
last year, i spent the time with sharon. this year, i was invited by pillbo to her house for a good new year's eve dinner. b4 setting off to forest lake, wch is in zone 5, i managed to take a shot with my housemates who were also celebrating.. but reluctantly w/o me

anywys.. i bought a champagne and a couple of mangoes. waited for the bus and took a 460 to inala. it took 30 mins to reach the other end. as i arrived, pillbo was ter to fetch me. its a gd feeling meeting her, not having met her for ages.. then she said to me, 'she needs my help with the food'. then i was wondering..
oh btw, ter was just four of us- her, me, her god-brother kenneth and sister mei. it was a fab experience for cny coz i got a chance to make dumplings.. hah.. it was fab~ and while she was trying on her ox-tail soup recipe, me and her bro make dumplings.

we had a secret treat i.e. we put wasabi and see who wud get it.. XD anywys.. it was great coz she had put in a lot of effort for this dinner. the hotpot ingredients had numerous seafood, crab, balls, greens, noodles.. plus her special mushroom chicken and ox-tail soup~ yum..
ya i just had fun with them, chatting and eating all the way.. and abt the wasabi dumpling.. pillbo got it, handed it frm me by purpose ;) she persistently teased me of being a fanatic gigi fan and my '帥' name.. tts why i got my revenge.. hah.. but nvm.. tt wud bring her luck for the year.

i ended up staying till one am, finishing rice balls as the end course.. she suggested bringing me home wch is smeth very much appreciable too coz its quite far. b4 i go, i took a shot with her and her numerous guinea pigs. the one im holding here is called PaPa wch she often blogs abt, her most fav.
in the end, i realised hw a cny eve's dinner cud be even as im far away from home. wudn't it be without her.. so with tse, i end with a note. thanks for the psychologist and fren. to me, she's always the lamest girl i ever met.. but good and adorable in a way. here, also wish all of my frens and family back ter happy cny.. plse be sure to pass by a redpacket on the way.. plse~~ (",)
- keith
so here it goes..
last year, i spent the time with sharon. this year, i was invited by pillbo to her house for a good new year's eve dinner. b4 setting off to forest lake, wch is in zone 5, i managed to take a shot with my housemates who were also celebrating.. but reluctantly w/o me

anywys.. i bought a champagne and a couple of mangoes. waited for the bus and took a 460 to inala. it took 30 mins to reach the other end. as i arrived, pillbo was ter to fetch me. its a gd feeling meeting her, not having met her for ages.. then she said to me, 'she needs my help with the food'. then i was wondering..
oh btw, ter was just four of us- her, me, her god-brother kenneth and sister mei. it was a fab experience for cny coz i got a chance to make dumplings.. hah.. it was fab~ and while she was trying on her ox-tail soup recipe, me and her bro make dumplings.

we had a secret treat i.e. we put wasabi and see who wud get it.. XD anywys.. it was great coz she had put in a lot of effort for this dinner. the hotpot ingredients had numerous seafood, crab, balls, greens, noodles.. plus her special mushroom chicken and ox-tail soup~ yum..
ya i just had fun with them, chatting and eating all the way.. and abt the wasabi dumpling.. pillbo got it, handed it frm me by purpose ;) she persistently teased me of being a fanatic gigi fan and my '帥' name.. tts why i got my revenge.. hah.. but nvm.. tt wud bring her luck for the year.

i ended up staying till one am, finishing rice balls as the end course.. she suggested bringing me home wch is smeth very much appreciable too coz its quite far. b4 i go, i took a shot with her and her numerous guinea pigs. the one im holding here is called PaPa wch she often blogs abt, her most fav.

in the end, i realised hw a cny eve's dinner cud be even as im far away from home. wudn't it be without her.. so with tse, i end with a note. thanks for the psychologist and fren. to me, she's always the lamest girl i ever met.. but good and adorable in a way. here, also wish all of my frens and family back ter happy cny.. plse be sure to pass by a redpacket on the way.. plse~~ (",)
- keith