May 2, 2010


it was a day of discovery.

i was nowhere- just like a typical holiday. it seemed i was alone- roaming around either sight-seeing or dreaming. i treated myself an ice coffee & just stood there. an advert passed by that protrayed the showing of ip-man 2, only in sunnybank for whole of qld. i gave myself a try of interest.

during the bus ride, it was about 30 mins. i owned my ipod for 10 songs before the dead battery took over. i took time & space to view sceneries, it reminded me of bus rides. my previous ride to harbour town just by myself- it was 3 years ago.

it reminded how a loner i was and still meant to be 2day- but- i was capable of peace and living independently. the other was riding with sharon to places. we got lost but it was goodness. scenes to enjoy with a fren can be quite 'unlonely'. pity, we're dead.

i arrived the theatre. surprisingly, it was full. full of asians. we watched & i was amazed at the propensity of the audience to be so involved with the film. they laughed at every laughable scene & saluted with clapping on the final battle scene. but the point in end was, i discovered-

my sense of self-respect.

it takes courage to rebound frm the depths and finally be aware of yourself.

in the face of setbacks, have you ever felt you're adjunct to commit to the image the society protrays on you? or you think the society protrays on you.

like being the 'low' on work places. you're ought to be inconfident.
issues with ppl or frens. you're ought to be awkward & stay guilty.
the dominant protraying their ways. you ought to follow or confide to their ideas. given the lows and non-achievement, you can't relax or treat yourself to joy.

i soon realised, the meaning of my life.
i was here all along & have always been here.

i shouldn't let others make me feel what they'd want me to.
it's me. i've breath every single breathe & i knew frm the very start.

i ought to be me.
i ought to act as a ....
& as a university grad.

there's no way i can't feel confident given-
the point i'm now @.

im to catch up my ego frm wer i left.
there's no way anyone can affect me now.

even with solitude-
i'm to cherish myself.. with love.
and too.. with full-on courage.

- keith

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