April 2, 2010


i realise things that make my day"

- having an oats meal with bananas topped with grapes
- exercise for 3x per week, jog or swim (long term)
- singing out loud songs that are playing
- spend time on studies
- living at present w.o. worries
- occasional frens gather, eatery & laughouts
- up my confidence & be determined
- cherish the love~

i remembered this song clearly- 25 sung by gee when she was 25. @ that time, i was in secondary 5 being a naive nerd preparing for my gce o's. @ this age, she was already very capable. now after 9 years, me heading towards 25- and her turned 34 last week, i realised what more can you expect..

i've no time to waste. she has done well. im to follow this-

live simply & be happy!

- keith

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