January 15, 2010


its been wonderful having to relax over at aurey's, his apartment pool and b4hand a 2 hr jog from the city to and fro. the feeling of vanishing away frm life's reality.

at the evening's outset as i set afloat in the waters with my body and face facing up to the skies, i just tght i needed this once in a while. its been mentally exhausting..

then i went for a hot shower with the creams, settled down & had home-cooked pizza for diner together with warm tea whilst enjoying fri nite movie with his mates. its a blessing especially having things you enjoy at the beginning of the year b4 kicking start to the dramatic stage for the rest.

im starting specialties next week and i felt a new mindset taking over. its just gonna be simple and i'll take life as it is abt.. passing time. im too gonna think i just need to work work and work!! a 'just do it' philosophy wud suffice for the new year.

'the only time you fail is when you give up', quoted thomas tiong. he continued that life is too short to worry and in the face of rejection, he will persist and keep going despite the advancing critics. its very motivating & relieving being able to express and talk to him abt things we face in life.

may God bless the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. its a depressing scene out there and with thousands of lives lost, it gets you to think how our problems are actually problems compared to theirs. live to our best while we can as life is always unpredictable.

- keith

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