hello ppl.. how are you all? :)
sorry for the long period w.o. an update. i've been really busy with things. and this is my first post of the year! its fanta being in brunei for a month in dec wch also includes a week of visiting KL. i had the best fun with my family and frens back home, it was awesome! i'll drive you there whilst we talk on.
sorry for the long period w.o. an update. i've been really busy with things. and this is my first post of the year! its fanta being in brunei for a month in dec wch also includes a week of visiting KL. i had the best fun with my family and frens back home, it was awesome! i'll drive you there whilst we talk on.

a GP once told me.. this wch is helpful. a doctor doesn't necessarily need to be clever. he only needs 2 things: 1) a system of doing things and 2) memory. she goes on then to teach me lil' lil' things u'd never tght of others wud teach- personal skills to take a history, rationalise and present. altgh GP is the main rotation, she seems to offer more on internal medicine aids.
the attitude exhibited by her and husband, whom both own the same surgery, was unique given they never rushed whilst teaching their medical student carefully despite the amt of patients. she persisted in correcting my psychological hurdle- the once concept as being a foreign student wud 've gained tremendous handicap in the western world. she reminded me, just as simone wud, to be confident as ever as it is vital in this field of vocation. she just wants me to get there.
this year is my last after 6. im still able to go on further but i'll succeed this first. in life, studying seems to be hard but haven't i tght working actually suffers more given you've no off-time? cherish this last year, then we shall see how my life goes.
i recently watched 'lovely bones' wch is quite a disturbing movie, at same time, emotionally indulging. the reality of this world will not come to face unless you really experienced it. the torment of losing a child.. and the life wch revolves arnd the lost as time passes. i was greatly impacted by jackson's film and it kinda pushed me as the last speech of the film wishes everyone to live a good life ahead.

anyways, back to home fun. ys and thomas well both are best buddies. not to mention aurelius. i guess we always make the same promise every year, we'd have the best fun when i come back. food, chats, coffee bean, dota, football cards, scrabble, drive arounds, more chats and more fun.
family played the best role in child spoilage. empire high tea 5x, home-cooked fish, coffee zone + fleur de lys 10x, christmas KL trip.. harrod's high tea, christmas trees, food and shopping. the home company, the talks & laughters were not discounted. my sister has grown to be a gorgeous female lawyer. if anyone's interested, call me! xD
brunei has its serenity and mother nature's ornaments. i stole one from tasek lama. jogging is part of my life as well as swimming. im just lucky, especially when i need solace, ter are places to go in brunei such as 'venice', yayasan or perhaps kiulap. there were times when i had to rest my mind and wonder 'y?' with so many things. they then settled.
life at present seems to be at bay in emotional terms. i was talking with ys, we had many things happened in past years now it seemed stable. when i need feelings, i would go on now to search for it. things that had put a mark on my life.. things that had always seemed to be loved by me. i wud feel for it, feel its pity. then.. i wud look on.

as for my other wish, i wish gigi all the best.. :D my hope of taking a photo with her still remains to be known. and all i have now, is simplicity for a life i own. good bless and tk. i shall see you soon :)

- keith
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