January 26, 2010


it was a day after work @ 5pm. i was getting ready to return home frm hospital when damit called.

one of our seniors had decided to treat us for dinner at the city in the presence of his parents. they were on a visiting trip b4 he wud return home for good. there were only me, khai, damit, him and his parents.

one thing that strike me straight away is that.. his parents were just like mine. they were the loveliest ppl ever when it comes to entertaining their child's friends. its not only just a casual display of courtesy but its the effort of interacting in the most sincere way.

they wud talk all sorts of things abt our academic, our life as well as our hardships in brisbane. they wud empathise us knowing the same sort of road we go thru as their kid. they wud encourage and remind us of our welfare we needn't need to pay, we are back-uped with a degree unlike the canadian students and we're given the opportunity to learn more in a big hospital.

his mom was also sharing part of her laksa to us given its so much. yum~~

i looked myself in the mirror which is just in front wer i was eating. it was already in the beginning when they arrived, i was the only one wearing a formal white shirt with a tie. i was praised for being smart and her mom added a point in the end that i was tall and guys shud be as tall as me. the only thing that struck me was.. it will be a waste if such an image won't get to be a dr.

after the talk, my heart was opened. i guess its strange but for me it was a relief talk for them as well for us. my senior had gone far more difficulty & managed to reach the end. its only with this experience they wud be able to act in such a manner as humble and with due respect for us.

altgh i admit im a trainee dr who seems to not know anything at all.. but i insist i will not forget my part as a student and im a person who's continuously learning humbly and whole-heartedly. im just a learner.

- keith

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