January 25, 2010


it was quite a while since i remembered having to live a life such maintained and cultivated to the point that i tght i was actually abiding a set of daily rules i ought to be disciplined with.

it was self-directed and during the fresh days no one cares whether you study or not, it's up to you. if ters one attitude i had to be inspired with, its my first few years of independence in brisbane.

it was funny coz i was determined and i kept instilling this sort of mindset- to take care of myself, eat well, sleep early, get to classes on time, study well and must socialise.. to live a good life. i was more independent then because i was really on an orderly routine and was determined to get things done.

i wud be really hardworking and do some housekeeping every week or so, go on exercise weekly and make sure my dinner wud be home-cooked. i wud definitely socialise once a week and had this concept of giving more and lower down in order for friendships to work smoothly. now im more of a don't care type.

after some thinking, i tght i wud revert back to this old healthy lifestyle. in such a way.. you maintain your studies at same time your mind has to occupy on other aspects of life. i wud go on to work casually & not worrying whats gonna come in the future.

in the weekend, at least one day for studying and least one day for either socialising or a time off for a loner's reminiscence. my food has to be healthy and i shud lead the habit of a good eatery in the house at least :) i remembered once living with a mom daughter, who always seemed to cook a simple dish of tomatoes and rice with eggs. well.. i do need tomatoes for now.

2day is australia day and we had a casual meeting with dr. elizabeth and dr. kok who both came over for social and academic visit. they treated us to ahmet's, a very expensive turkish cuisine and we had a great time of humour and discussion over the lunch table.

i also met with two other chinese students who're joining us from ubd undertaking their 3rd year med. its my 2nd time at ahmet's in a week given my senior also treated us for passing his exams the week b4. its a tradition and well we'll see what come next for us.

one more thing.. i'll grip on to past for 16 more months. then i'll let go.

alrite, i'll retire now. take care peeps and don't worry.

- keith

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