u never realise how life changes in a glimpse. for many things that were once part of us, will never be seen again for the rest of our lives. all you ever get is the present moment.
this year for me is a change. i guess, i've grown more subtle.. less willing to express.. & all i do is just fighting for my life. i met a few along the way who helped me greatly. new ppl who supported & cared. smehow.. the old always goes & the new comes. its always a new life out there.
2 more months b4 i go back for holiday. now & then, i shud always open my eyes to see how lucky i am. i dunno if KL is a good holiday destination, but i'll enjoy it anyway. ppl say if you work very hard, you deserve a good break despite the outcome of ur work. i agree, but i will also spend some time on revision work.
brisbane was hit by dust storm, a phenomenon wch was not seen in my 4 years here. sand was blown from the desert i assume, blanketing the skies with yellowish tint for a day. the air was polluted so i was compelled to get a mask for myself. reminded of the days when dad used to manage the haze in brunei by buying an air filter machine.
i went to riverfire with one of my mates. we did get a clear view, but the whole thing was nostalgic. every 2nd moment burst of flare, images flickered from each past years of my life. i was getting emotional, to see how much change i've come thru.
all my frens never failed to entertain me. they're the best. this includes thomas, who gives me regular therapeutic sessions every 2-3 days. my malay mates, we had the best fun at 'babi kayu meaning BBQ' and in chats & football games. aurey occasionally shares this journey of relaxation on city cat with me.
ok i end here. i hope u like this post.
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