Brisbane, 8.35pm local time, 24th jan, 09.
pending for post- 26th jan, 09.
now here, sitting down with lappy in my brisbane room, with the windows ajar letting in sounds of beating drums & gongs of the lion dance. the nearby chinese foodhouse is conducting a pre-season orchestra even on this day, least.. heralding the lively mood for the advancing new year. im deeply impressed with the culture here in brissie. may least visit chinatown hey :)
feelings of going back- mixed. I did a whole session of cleaning up the room- dusting, wiping, provoking a set of response identical to a runny nose, watery eyes & sweaty forehead. in the end, it was mindfully satisfying. plus filling up rations which cost me half of my fortune. point is- its all independent here. tgh alone, works for me.
i want to send my sympathies to those who’re deeply affected by the gloomy days of brunei. due to the flood, its been 3 days most parts of the country have gone out of electricity including gadong, kiulap, kiarong and muara. its so badly hit tt the whole of gadong, wch is the brightest spot of the country, is so dark seemingly like a ghost town. i spent the last day here at home, eating lucky charsiu and mom’s cooked bakuteh with my frens. it was darn warm here so im thankful my frens came to gather for a lift-off.
my days in brunei are greatly spent. there are foods tt satisfy anyone at all. mom did not spoil me for sure. only just 10 trips to empire for high-tea :) i made use of brunei’s sumptuous culture for an aft takeaway: ½ price sushi at escapade, mall’s takoyaki and a cup of lamee’s fresh soybean- guess how much was it? just $10! met mel and jess too for last meeting. the dimsum rest wasn’t tt bad. pineapple fried rice was good, the mango cream was out of words. add onto the smiley faces of my peers, it was all cool. will meet you guys in june! :)
course starts on 2nd day of new year. as eager as looking back & cherishing the times, i am equally looking forward to pull it up for this rotation. it will not be easy as i start with medicine & move on to rural. i had the best times on holiday. guess its time to do my part.
u guys may wonder wt i did for chinese new year? it all started with, "keith.. cny.. you cook 2nite la" me and senior hao did more work than ever compared to other years. tgh cny, we ran out of ideas cooking chinese food- instead we go western. spaghetti with capsicum & mushroom soup. looks like my malay frens are enjoying cny.. -_-'''
on cny day, i visited chinatown in the aft. ppl were already gathered around towncentre. i got to listen to the nostalgic beating drums & witness the performance of a spectacular lion dance on poles. it was terrific. the culture here is inexplicably rich. i'm impressed.
lastly, i want to thank you. thnks for giving me the memorable times, especially on this day. i'll live myself for this one.
- keith
1 comment:
Hey sz. Happy New Year to you too :)
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