August 12, 2009


just. for the past mood. i caught sight of the slightest glimpse. just ahead. quickly, i don't want to miss the chance. i raced to pick my cam. head to the jetty. after 2 shots, the light vanished. i never knew why times like this, when its to end.. is special to me.

next moments can only be unique. toowong jetty. the only place convenient to arrive over at boatshed, a unique dining story. but pity, i never achieve that. or nearly.

every breeze as i stood afront of the vessel.. is life-saving. i reminisced how many memories can past just like that.. like the breeze. the scenes ahead are just breath-taking.. with the songs played, u can only imagine.

this trip solely explored my sentiment. my emotional vulnerability. if i cud never survive this dream, how can life be beautiful? if i ever stay well, i cannot do it alone.

im alone now. literally. in brisbane, i stood by 3 sentiments. within 3 years, they're gone. those dear. those who cared whether i lived or not. those who knit inspirations. i drowse onto them coz they saved me.

with every step i take, its gonna be harder. and as always, i've fought as a sole warrior. the reality is.. time. in life, its abt passing. and things change. for me, it will set itself within a year.

the world wch is round yet unpredictable. is one wer you can only try to live in. alth round.. there are still glitters to live meaningfully. like this carousel emitting the brightest light out in the dark.

if you guys ever see me like this again, scold me.. hit me. haha im just enjoying my talent here. ;)

wt a beautiful sight huh? this is main brisbane. if you guys ever decide to come, just hop onto the citycat ferry. you'll come thru the most amazing nitely views. and experiences.

- keith

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