June 29, 2009


30-6: today i turned 24. on this unique day of june. i guess days like this are always meant to be unique, either you go about with it in the usual celebration or you seek to reminisce the days or gone-thrus in life that has brought u to where u're now. to me, my life is full of meaning. u'll know why.

when i started blogging, i think that was 4 years ago, i was a youth full of emotions. when u view my past blogs, it was generally full of words, less legible for reading & puts off most with lazy eyes :) but it amazes me, how i cud then carve such deep & serene expressions wch i dun think i cud do now. nw i've become less dwelling in emotions but am still using sentiments for living.

a life with meaning is to live it with heart. inspirations you met along the way, even if they're gone, are wt drive you on. coz they bring love. they had once sincerely made you as part of theirs. not only does chemistry play firsthand in this, but also fate. unfortunately, you rarely get to meet such cherishable & compatible moments. but you can appreciate, u've met at least once.

mom, dad & sis have saved me frm the somber of the cold winters for a while nw. life is not easy abroad. when you come home, you appreciate everything. such the warmth literally frm family, as well figuratively frm the weather. every b'day i'll give thanks to my family. coz you need to know how much they've given till this day.

so much to say after years past, i met up with a few college mates who had graduated & start working. it's a feeling where you get to share the appreciation of each others' success & see hw and what they've become. the fact tt i'm 2 years due does not worry me at all. wt i will do is cont to 'live with heart' & see myself thru.

last mention to frens. tnx for the gifts, heart talks & the companion :) had lunch at escapade and dinner at koryo. one japan- one korean, a fine combination for the day. alrite~

thanks gigi too for your song.

- keith

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