ah...feeling weak 2day.. skipped pbl.. handed in my med cert. it was yest already when i knew it was coming.. my throat was sore.. my nose was consistently runny & the day was hot. i developed fever at midnight.. aches over my body.. spitted green sputum in morn. nw.. feeling bit malaise. so.. is it viral or bacterial?
hmm.. it was interesting yest coz i attended a session on 3rd year rotations in brunei, delivered by one of the drs frm panaga hospital, kb. he was sharing abt his experiences in brunei to the local aussies & it was hilarious- he mentioned.. brunei has 2 weathers- either you get hot or wet, or very hot & very wet. you've nothing to worry in brunei- its safety.. its cheap food.. free acc for students.. the medical care.. the pirate vcds.. :) but only one thing- the road. he actually mentioned the rising car crashes in brunei- so wear ur safety belt! -_-'''
another interesting fact.. was UQ is going to make brunei an official clinical school for 3rd & 4th year med rotations. its been well known along the years.. & was receiving good reviews especially in the fields of obs/gynae and surgery. "if" i were to proceed to 3rd year, i'll definitely choose to go back for surgery rotation either in mid-year or in the end. mid-year coz its long enuf 5 months & i needed to enjoy pure brunei or.. end year coz it'd be a longer holiday for me :)

as you noticed, i purposely highlighted the word "if". there was one smiley incident.. just a day ago, i bumped onto caitlyn.. it was raining & we were heading the same direction, she wanted to share her umbrella with me. so we took the bus & chatted quite a while.. i met caitlyn thru church- she's a bruneian.. i still remember visiting her house once back in brunei for worship. she' actually graduating this sem as a pharmacist. she also has a brother who's working as a registrar at mater hospital.
she asked abt me- i guess i blurted out "if" i were to get to 3rd year, im going to RBWH (Royal Brisbane Women's Hospital).. i was allocated this hospital just a week ago. she re-iterated.. "you shud say.. when you get to 3rd year.. you will go RBH, don't say if.. must be confident.. :)" i like the way she defined her career & regarded it intuitively.. "its one of the greatest achievements in life.. especially when you graduate". it is indeed.

it is nw spring. for those of you who don't know, the highlight of spring in brisbane are the purple trees- als0 known as jacarandas. its very pretty, blooms every year in spring.. i saw this picture taken by khairul.. so im getting a copyright figure frm him ;) almost everytime in spring, i'd receive gifts.. 2 years ago, it was mei.. this year i received this postcard frm melanie! i've never seen anyone who has this nice handwriting (aside frm sharon).. its just neat & tidy.. with a bit of cursive texture. tnx mel~ i'll cya very soon :)
gigi is releasing a new album soon, i hope. it was stated in her blog.. she's released 30 over mandarin, cantonese albums.. hasn't released one this year. im anticipating it.. :) another singer i particularly adore is this one- smeone actually uploaded this clip on youtube just a few days ago- my fav.. cheer is a taiwan legend- very talented, serene voice & looks.. i told my mom earlier, i tght i saw her a few days ago in the train.. she looks so like her.. pity i'd not brought my camera.
k.. wt else.. just hope things are going well for me. enjoy life guys. going to breathe the brunei air soon.. enjoy the music frm my veteran.. especially the 2nd track wch never fails to make me smile. alrite tk.. haf a gd one ppl~ :)
- keith
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