this post is about singing.
i remembered the 1st time i sang a song was during my childhood. i memorised a chin song, an old song. it was 10 years of age and i was already in front of my uncles aunties, sent up by them viz the red packet. then.. i never liked singing just as i never liked football. the whole interest changed as soon as i grow up a bit, in the ages 15+.
i picked up my 1st real album- it was sammi. it was ok. i tght of buying some albums, just maybe sort of to take an interest into music. my age puts me into call. 2nd album. it was very random.
i saw this beautiful, young lady in front wearing a white long sleeve shirt, looking sentimental. i just grapped it. as i soon as i turned it on, hear the 1st track- i fell in love with her voice and her type of music. soon i took her up as an idol. and now its been 6 years. coz of her i started to like music. and coz of her i started to like singing. play this song which shows her voice talent. she sings an eng song- imagine.
i got to admit im not really good at singing, but i love it. smetmes i envied those singers who 'can' sing.. who has the best voice and easily create any sort of tune they want. by singing, you can just captivate anyone.. sentimentally.. heartedly.. anther singer i envied is andy hui. you shud watch his moment when he got the best male award. i think tt is the best presentation moment in JSG history.
i put up my voice-2. haha.. just dun bleed ur ears. its a bit jiberish. this song is one of the best by andy.
- keith
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