i might as well strt putting pics or else i will bore my readers to d. dun u guys love trees. look.. hw serene is this tree. large, gigantic and greenish overlooking the blue sky.
in brisbane, trees are qte prominent. esp in our campus uq. i appreciate very much the eco-culture all ard brisbane including in our uni. its just relaxing seeing tse leaves.

almost every weekend nite nw and then, we'd gather at my hse, then walk ard window shopping. hang out in tse places. its getting bit bored repeating the same chores but all is good.. the jokes/craps keep us going on.
yest. i went out. after a solitary swim at stadium, i met aurey for dinner. glad to haf a peaceful time eating ginger beef rice to replace my sugars after a hypoglycemic episode at the pool. then we went to meet san and thomas at her house. played pool, then ended at coffee bean.

it was good times. still i'd deserved more if ys and other thomas were there. one is away, other is still on exams. with 2 days remaining of my electives, i'd be free! tomrw nite, i've to work night shift frm 6-9 at ong sum ping clinic.. heh. first time nite shift. shud be nice exp.
cheery life
i din realise its gonna be tt fast b4 id actually be back again. 15 jan is my orientation wch im considering to skip.
whist in brisbane, i promised myself to make use of time back here as gd.. seemingly hadn been using it productively but using it the best of my ability to slack! im enjoying the culture here, lazy and greedy.. haha.. the nasi katok.. unstoppabl3 :)
smehw when i got back, i din manage to find the meaning of life.. but i found another tng. appreciate the present moment~

- keith
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