May 20, 2007


20th may, 07
grin. music is playing. staring at screen. hmm.. nw wt?

ok.. firstly, frm wt i can see: blogger has an auto-save draft system. cool for bloggers who had prev frustrating experiences b4. :)

drifting bck, i can remember once in a point of time, i can be so faithful. so letting spirits overwhelm my life in anywy.. i remember even once, i drove my fren who had troubles to my ex-school cathedral to pray behind close doors. we'd seek behind to one of the apostles, put candles and i'd pray for him. on christmas carols, i insisted bringing a bunch of awkward pals and my sis to church during christmas eve. they wnted to leave so soon! :p

nw.. cudn't bliv hw tngs changed. nw i relied more on personal strengths wch relayed my next point to my parents. my mom is a strong woman. she can meet ppl, face clients smetmes undeservingly effortful, dealing issues with agents, u knw as insurance manager.. yet complain less at all. she took care of us very well.

my dad is a unique dad. yet like mom, never complains.. does tngs for us we'd never knw its for our sake cz he'd never tell. doing it superiorly n intangibly. they are in one word, unconditional.

human nature.. i've always gt creeps on tis. u can be in one way or other. in a dilemma to choose, eventually separating between two particular sets of interests (if u knw wt i mean). i can be popular but i chose nt to. i can do tngs tt i can do, yet i chose nt to. and so the tngs tt u do in life is all in ur hands, then y do tis and nt tt?

lol. enuf said. does nothn bt bring mind-brawling politics. u knw wt.. i'll just live my life. b4 i end.. sis- u have my support. go on work thru. mei- my mei is my best fren :)

- keith

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